there,friends, i figured out that i might put a page to tell you people how much i
appreciate you all. :)
To the class of CT1, u've been great.
Thanx for the great time at NY. Without u people, classes would be so boring........You
people kept things going and make the class so fun..luv u people.
Chris and Rach, nice knowing you 2.
Class of 4F amkss,know something?The funny thing is that i miss u people after i left the
school. Basically , i missed everyone.It took me so long to appreciate the class.But i do
now and would always remember the class.
Suzie gal, miss u too! Extremely......i just can't let go of the time at the Jc(u know
which) it was so extremely fun to be with you. I luv ya and would catch up with u gain
after the exams.
Luv u gals, been really great friends. Thanx for all the encouragement and
"push" you gave me , esp Huiting and Baozhen.And Yanzhu,i'll remember the bad
things we did (hehehe) luv ya all.
Suz , it's great to have someone share the love of soccer. You've been fun. Absolutely
fun, especially all the funny things you said. U've been really nice to me. Thanx.
Thanx to Yulan,Xuiyi and Lifen for being my good friends. esp Xuiyi, I didn't know you
were from the same primary school as i am. Fate? maybe.........
To the A2 and A5 people, it's great knowing
all of you. You people, esp A5 are fun people!
To green bag (suzie,remember who rite?) u're nice..............sorry ,hope i didn't piss
you off. hehehe
Thanx to John for helping me out with the homepage, teaching me all the HTML codes.
To Sir,for being our so wonderfully humorous teacher. U didn't make the class boring.
Simon,Sam,Shannon, Zeno, Scott you people have been really nice and it's great to know u