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     Girls RuleZ! 

I found this stuff in a super cool magazine, J17 and thought that i should share it! Take a look!
By the way, the space is always open for girls to add more stuff and guys to share their comments here.

Things that make us glad to be a girl!!!!!
1) Being girl-shaped, we look equally good in a frock or trousers, whereas boys look weird and laughable in anything besides trousers.

2) We are not made of slugs and snails or puppy dogs tails.

3) All the best fashions throughout history were designed just for us. Just imagine a guy in a mini? Pah!

4) We can run rings around most suckers bye employing low-level flirting techniques like batting our eyelashes. Never fails.

5) We can be friends with boys without wondering how far they'd let us go on a first date.

6) We don't suffer from the symptoms of boy disease ,which include failure to phone when you say you will , breaking more promises than keeping them and thinking with the contents of their underpants.

7) We can link hands with our mates without others calling us gays.

8) We never get stiffies at embarrassing moments, like when we're writing something on the blackboard.

9) We're good listeners.Or we can pretend to be while our minds are free to roam.

10) We don't have wet dreams.

11) We can always wear hairslides if we're having a bad hairday.

12) We don't have to worry about getting kicked in the balls.

13) We can always blag our way out of doing cross country by holding our tummies and whimpering something about the "time of the month".

14) We can always blame our bad moods and belligerent behaviour on PMT. Even if it isn't PMT and it's just our normal nature.

15) We hug our long-lost mate instead of shaking hands.

16) Our voices don't break.

17) If there's nothing on telly,we can while away hours gossiping. Our throats and mouth get a workout and it's cheap too.

18) According to statistics , we get to live longer than lads. It's compensation for having to suffer periods. Perhaps........

19) No one calls us a girl if we cry at the end of a sad film. Cause like , hello , we are girls.

20) We don't have to beat the ten tons of hell out of each other. Unlike boys and their weirdy male-bonding rituals.

21) Boys can wear nail polish if they want to but it looks better on girls.

22) We never have to shave our faces.

23) Being girls we're superior to boys because we have XX chromosomes , whereas boys have XY chromosomes. Basically , boy-shapes are incomplete girls!

24) We can settle an argument without a mammoth punch-up

25) We're not going bald

26) Our ability to accessorize.

27) We can be Daddy's girls and bond with our mums.

28) We can earn our own money or marry it.

29) We're not scared of becoming emotionally involved.

30) Girls look good with big hair.

31) There's a whole spectrum of pastel colours that lads have to steer clear of but we can       luxuriate in.

32) We can dance without looking like we've suddenly lost control of our central nervous        system.

33) Some of the greatest works of art and literature and er….pop music have been inspired by girls.

34) We get our own toilet cubicles. You won't find us having to get our bits out in front of our mates.

35) We can sit down to wee which is always useful , especially if you're a bit tired.

36) Even if our tees shrink, we can still wear them.

37) The telephone is our friend.

38) We don't look stoopid carrying a handbag.

39) We're at one with our emotions.

40) If we're short we can either wear high heels or celebrate our pint-sizeness. (applicable to Suz)

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If there's any stuff you wanna add or to voice out any grievance, feel free to email me. Any comments to make? Email me too.


Mail to: kenickie@iname.com