
Well, here's a couple of pictures to satisfy the eye, pictures of models.....very beautiful people. But well, some models ain't beautiful....just that they look different from others that's all. Anyway , here's some of my favourite pictures that i find are very well-taken. By the way, this is a section with female models as well and just scroll down to have a look at them! Just click on the image to obtain a bigger view of the image.
(I've got to highlight the word female models because most guys come here and after seeing the heading, immediately conclude that this is a page devoted to male models!)

Male Models!

Mark Vanderloo
I think he looks so extremely gorgeous. Wow. Drool......he's 28 only..well..not only but u know..he still looks cute. :)

Thom Gwin
Doesn't he look like David Ginola?

Michael Bergin

Female Models!

Kate Moss

She looks so pretty. Looks very much like a school girl in the 3rd picture.

Kate Moss and Stella on the cover of a magazine. Ain't they beautiful...

Amber Valetta

Please note that this page is not complete yet Any comments? Feel free to mail me.



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