Words Page

Hello there , tis page is for anyone who wants to have comments put in there , like what u feel about the world , life etc. Some sort like a philosophical page. U can mail me original poems which i'll put in here.

This poem is courtesy of Suz Goh.


Gone are our carefree days,

Of joyful play, and good clean fun

Of mugging for tests and exams,

Rushing assignments, and racking

Our brains for excuses of why,

Just why we hand in late work.

Gone too, are the funny leactures,

The nonsensical tutorials in 'Pluto';

All the shared jokes: phallic, corny

Or just plain funny ones which

Leave us roaring with laughter.

Lost too, will be the boredom

Of econs and history tutorials.

Our shared joys and laughter,

Disappointments at not doing well,

Gleefulness at teasing tamil,

Making Mrs Smith blush beet,

Are soon coming to an end,

Only to live on in our memories.

No more of Ms Koh's 'two-cents' worths',

Wild historical details hauled out,

Struggles over Chaucerian language

Bombarding each other with quotations,

Discussions over the latetst episodes of 'Friends'

Or the latest soccer matches in class.

Even as we move onward in life,

We leave the old paths behind.

Well-loved, familiar they might be,

But leave we must, and have to.

Cling not to past memories,

Set our sights forward, march ahead

Relentlessly, unceasingly, unwaveringly.

Still, take your softened memories out

Of their locked drawer, dust them,

And cherish the past for what it is.

The fond remembrances, the happy memories.

Dwell not on unhappy stuff,

Remember not harshly nor bleakly,

Do your past, and yourself, justice,

'Cos someday it would do you good

To have someone walking in the sun

                                             Think of you gladly, fondly, kindly.

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                            Any contributions?Mail to: kenickie@iname.com